Thursday, 11 April 2019

Duffy book

LI: Duffy book's Duffy book's are good for you to read in you homes and at school. The Duffy book
are good and cool to read and all the people in the world read it?. The people read the Duffy book's
because Duffy book's are good to read for you and all the people in the world and it fun and easy
to read for you and all people in the world.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

term one kiwi-can overview

LI:To recap everything we did in kiwi-can.

Blog post: today in kiwi-can we  Recapped all of our learning from term one .Our big theme was positive relationships.Our 3 modules were -positive communication
We made 3 groups. Each groups talked about the 5w's $H for 1 module.

After we talked as a group / each group shared their
ideas back to the class

The 1 thing i enjoyed was talking as a group and playing all the games.

And the 1 thing  learnt was talking in a group.

The 1 thing i need to be better at is the kiwi-can thihg.

Friday, 5 April 2019

poetry tree

Rhyme is using the same sounds in words.
one two
buckle my shoe
three four
shot the door
five six
pick up sticks
 seven eight
lay them straight
nine tan
a big fat hen

peter piper picked a peck of picked peppers.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

ki o rahi

we learnt  how to play ki o rahi it was fun and hot at the some time.  And we war playing in the sun the hot sun.

 And we war in the taniwha and my team was rad 

and we won because we hit the taniwha 5 and 
the blue team hit 3 time w the red team 
hit 5 times.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

kiwi can

LI: to build positive relationships.

Today in kiwi can we were learning about friendship we learnt that there are
times we can say no! we talked about situations were  it is OK to say no!
 we discussed different way to say no  that
we did a cause disrespect.

we did a activity called empathy rote play.

a gorp acted out a situation and and as a class
we needed to say no nor options were
no thank you
lets do something  else instead.
It's just not my thing.
that not a nice thing to do.