Thursday, 6 August 2020

Figurative Language

L.I Figurative Language. 

This week for writing we were learning about figurative language. 

We had to make a simile,metaphor,hyperbole,peronification and understatement about Mr Ogilvie.

Here a example Mr Ogilvie voice was beating my ears that is a peronification.

Me and my group made complement about Mr Ogilvie. 

A simile is describing about how tall or fast people are.

A metaphor is comparing two things without using like or as in a sentence.

A hypwebole is when you exggerate if someone is to lond near you.

A peronification is giving a human traits to obiects or ideas from your friends or yoursife

A unserstatement is a expression with less strength than expected.


  1. What an interesting post, I bet you will not forget what each of these mean from now on. I really enjoyed reading your examples.
    Malo Mrs F.

  2. Hi Ayden, I enjoyed helping LS2 learn all about figurative language. What kind of figurative language do you like best? I quite like hyperboles. The examples of Mr Ogilvie are funny.


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