Monday, 9 August 2021

Athetes at the top of their field train mentally and physically because it is both the body and the mind that need to be strong to have balance as an athetes.

it is important to enjoy and celebrate the succes you have done and try and make the most of it and it dose some times pays off but there are winers and there are losers so try your best.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

mindfulness reflection

LI: To practise mindfulness

Today, we focused on mindfulness and having a peaceful mental well-being. Sometimes, our mind isn’t concentrating well and is doing something called ‘mind wandering’. We calmed ourselves down by using the Pause, Breathe and Smile method.

Mindfulness is calming your body and your mind, focusing on your mental health, focusing on what’s happening right now, removing the negativity from your mind and being mindful of yourself and others. Mindfulness is a way to balance the 4 pillars of your hauora.

Often in a frustrating situation, our mind enters the red zone. The red zone is when we feel angry, anxious, frustrated, irritable, stressed, overly excited, worried, distracted or any other negative emotion that we usually cannot control. We use a mindfulness technique which helps us to be calm, clear, content, balanced, peaceful, relaxed, curious and engaged in what we are doing.

This session of mindfulness was helpful because it can help yourself and others become calm in stressful situations as well as focus on what is happening right now and being aware of your emotions.

Friday, 9 July 2021

Osmosis & Transpiration

 LI. To explore different topics that are related to science 

This week for science we were exploring and learning about Osmosis & Transpiration. The first task we did was write notes down and define photosynthesis. The activity we did was to put celery into food coloured water and find the xylem. Once we did the steps we cut a straight line through the celery to find the xylem. 

Friday, 2 July 2021


 For tech we learned about bubbles. We learn how to stack bubbles .

First we had to fill 250 ml on a beaker half full.Wieght 5 grams of sugar stir into the unti the sugar is dissolved.

Then measure 3 mls of glycerol and Measure 10mls detergent. Then Stir the contents in the beaker so all ingredients are thoroughly mixed thought.

Lastly we had to stack the bubbles we made stick and grab a straw then blow it then you can stack it.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Greek gods

 LI: To use our smart searching skills to find information about the Greek gods 

Today David shared his reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. We earn CARE award badges in year 7 and 8 to show that we understand our school values. In this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information to help us complete the table. I found this activity fun because I got to learn about lots of the greek gods. The Greek god I found most interesting was Ares because it tells me how he is god of war.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

abstract nouns


L.I To learn how to write an abstract poem. 

This week for writing I wrote a poem about Joy using metaphors explaining and absract nouns.

I used the 5 senses to create my poem, they are smell, sound, taste, feel and see. We uesd DRAFT to check our work and make it more powerful. For this task I chose to work by myself.

Friday, 25 June 2021

flower power | tech

LI. To learn how to dissect a hibuscus flower

This week for tech we were learning how to dissect a hibscus flower and also learn the parts of a hibscus flower. Before we dissected the flower we watched video on the parts of the flower and how to dissect it. 

Task 2 - Parts of a flower 

  • Stem 

  • Stigma 

  • Styl 

  • Anther 

  • Pollen Tube 

  • Sepal

  • Thalamus 

  • Male Gametophyte 


  • Pedals 

  • Ovule 

  • Female Gametophyte

Task 3: Dissect a flower 

  • Cutting board 

  • Knife 

  • Flower

  1. Remove 1 petal and sepal  

  2. Carefully Pinch the side of the ovule 

  3. Make a clear and straight cut.

  4. Remove the style and stigma

Thursday, 24 June 2021


LI: To understand what a metaphor is and how we use them in writing.

For our writing task this week we are working on poems and metaphors. Our metaphor poem was about sadness. A metaphor is describing something as something else without using “like” or “as.” We worked on this task as a group. After coming up with our poem we create a DLO.

This task was fun because we learned how much creativity we can make.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Venn Diagram


For reading, we have been focusing on summarising text information such as stories, articles and other texts. The text we used for this reading task was the traditional Maori story of how the world came to be. This text was about Papatuanuku and Ranginui waking up from eternal darkness in earth's first light, and Tane Mahuta (one of their children) seperating them to grant his siblings and himself freedom from the darkness. Tawhirimatea was angry at the seperation of his parents.

For this task, we watched a video and read a text based off of the Maori story of how the world came to be (In the Beginning). We labelled the main parts of the video version that are not included in the written version, and labelled the main prts of the written version that were not included in the video. In the middle, we labelled the similarities between the two stories.

I really enjoyed this task and found it easy because I am familiar with identifying the key ideas and comparing the two similar but different texts/information sources.


 For reading, we have been focusing on summarising text information such as stories, articles and other texts. The text we used for this reading task was the traditional Maori story of how the world came to be. This text was about Papatuanuku and Ranginui waking up from eternal darkness in earth's first light, and Tane Mahuta (one of their children) separating them to grant his siblings and himself freedom from the darkness. Tawhirimatea was angry at the separation of his parents.

For this task, we found exactly twenty keywords to build an understanding of the text about. Keywords help us understand more in a short amount of time. Then from those twenty words, we chose six of those words to create a summary on. A summary is a short and brief description of the story so that we can understand the text in fewer words.

I enjoyed this task and found it easy because I am familiar with summarising and understanding texts using the key reading comprehension strategies so I can expand my knowledge of a story.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Floating and sinking | Science/Tech

L.I To experiment with heavy and light objects to see if they float.

today for science we tested and recorded the bouyancy of the objects we were given. Before we did this exeriment we watched a video and recorded notes to get an understanding of light and heavy objects. 

Friday, 11 June 2021

Following Classroom Rules & Expectations | PB4L

I: To follow the rules and expectations, expected from teachers. 

This weeks PB4L learning is about following classroom rules and expectations. PB4L is a acronym describing Positive Behavior for Learning. PB4L helps us understand the correct behavior for inside classroom learning and outer learning. This consist of Classroom discussions, walking to assembly, behaviour on school trips, wet day procedure eg. respecting wet day monitors. All of these prospects will help us develop a strong and healthy learning enviroment.

science | Tech

 First we measured 100mls of water into a beaker 

Then we measured the temperature of the cold water and recorded it on the whiteboard. 

Next we measured 10 grams of sugar by putting the sugar into a petri dish and then measured it with a scale. 

We poured the sugar into the water timed how long it took to dissolve the sugar.  

We used the same steps again but with hot water. 

This was fun because we got to use new equipment and it was very fun useing them

Cold Water Results: 

Temperature: 21’c

Time it took to dissolve: 

1min 8sec 

Hot water Results: 

Temperature: 81’c 

Time it took to dissolve: 

20 sec

Friday, 7 May 2021

ASB Getwise

L.I:How to spend money safe

This week we played a game called getwise and makeing good decision's on how much money you have left.

We tried to use a budget of $1800 and we had a budget of $200 on a airport passport and had a budget of $200/$500/$800 on our flight and i used 800 on the flight and got first class on the way there and on the way back and used a budget of $200 on Hotel and we had insurance for $300 and we didnt buy it and then we had activities and we got the skydiveing for $300 and then we got the food at the end and then we had to roll a dice and 5 and 6 were safe and 1234 were not safe so we rolled a 2 and got food poisoning and were Hospital bill was $2000 and we olny had $200 so we were in debt and couldn't get any food with our money and then that was the end of the game so we had a nice flight back in the VIP.
ASB GetWise - Financial literacy for kids | ASB



 this is wop


PB4L Expectations

LI: To understand the expectations set for us as the role models of the school.

Our topic for PB4L this week was focused around the expectations and rules set for us, and we should know how to understand and carry them out because we are the role models of the school. As a class, we talked about the expectations of a wet day monitor, the common rules inside of the classroom and what is expected from the teachers.

Some students showed us an example of how we can show respect in other classrooms as well as our own. They roleplayed an example of what they should do if a class was acting up during a wet-day and including other students during a casual conversation. More topics that we talked about was the necessary noise volume in different situations.

I found this lesson interesting but easy to understand because I am familiar with respecting the classroom rules and following expectations to a high standard.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Duffy Assembly

L.I To understand how reading can change one's life.

Today we had Marc from Duffy come and talk to us about the importance of reading and how reading can make a big impact on your life.  Although Marc had some challenges in his life he used reading as a tool to get through the hard times.  Marc believes that there is only CANs and not CAN’Ts.

  • ortAbout thaI found the words that Marc said… because …

Key Competencies

LI:  To compare the Key Competencies we think we will use on camp and the Key Competencies we actually used.

Before we went to camp our challenge was to think about when we might use the Key Competencies as we faced the challenges.  When we came back from camp we looked at this and compared how we thought we would use the Key Compet

I found this activity cool because I know when I used the key competencies at camp.

I found this activity … because I …

Friday, 9 April 2021

Kokako Infographic

LI: To create an infographic using google draw that tells your audience facts about the kokako.

This week, everyone in LS2 has been given a set of different challenges based on our camp. For this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information about the North Island Kokako bird. I found this activity fun and challenging because I've never learnt about Kokako birds.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

5 Minutes of Camp...

LI:  To recount a 5 minute snapshot of one experience you had at camp

Last week we went to camp at Kokako Lodge. My 5 minute snapshot shows my personal voice and I have tried hard to paint a picture with my words to describe what I was doing and how I felt.

2021 camp

LI: To create a collage of your camp highlights.

Last week we came back from camp and we had a lot of fun at Kokako Lodge and we had very fun activities. When we came back from camp we made a  collage of Kokako Lodgo photographs from all the photos that where taken.

In the last camp that happened was in 2019 and it was different back then because they had different activities to us. One of the new activities we had this year was camp cooking. In 2021 the Kokako Lodgo and the teachers have been working on this for a long time now and this was the most successful camp so far and I am hoping to go back again.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

About me

Hi I'm a year 7 and I'm a Australian and Indonesian but mostly Australian but I'm 11 years old and my name Ayden. I like to play outside and I like to play video games and I like to eat gummy snakes, my favourite food is butter chicken.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021


This week for reading we had to make a summarise about te tiriti.

We were laerning about Waitangi day and then I had to make a paragraph/summarise about it so we had to put in 20 keywords in tell about the story in the book then we had to get 6 important words/keywords ot of the 20 words that you put down and then we had to make a quick sentence uesing the 6 keywords and then we did it uesing the book for the words.