Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Te Reo Maori

This week we had to match up Auckland Maori place names with the English translations.

Firstly we did Tamaki Makaurau place names and we had to figure out where they went.

Secondly I had to guess and find where the names go and I had to put them in the right place.

I enjoyed trying to find out what the and where the right places and learning what some of the place names meant.

Friday, 4 December 2020


 For inquiry we focused on building shelters that would protect us from storms and earthquakes.

We started on sketchup by drawing our shelter and making what we planned on a piece of paper. 

My team and I worked on measuring all the sides on the shelter to make sure its even.And then we planned it.


 L.I To identify different unit fractions of sets.

This week for Fractions we laerned how to divide and add multiplication and learned more Fractions.

Firstly we made a powerpoint about fractions and units. We used counters to show the different fractions.

Secondly we counted in beans and we had to make a google slide about multiplying and dividing fractions.

Furthermore I learned more fractions but I was mostly learning about multiplication and division. 

Touch Rugby

For kiwi sport I played a game of touch rugby .

Firstly we did passes and we got split into 3 groups of 8 in each line. Then we practiced passing with ball, then we used two rugby balls after that.

Secondly we got put into three teams to play some games of touch. We focused on two and three man settles when we were playing.

I enjoyed playing but my team were passing to the furthest people instead of me.

Friday, 27 November 2020


 This week for maths we did fractions and I had to cut cups in to halves and quarters and eighths

Firstly we did fractions on a piece of paper that was folded in half and after that I got a cup and had to cut it in halves and quarters.

Secondly I had to colour the cups in different colours and make a Google Docs slide about it and had to ues it as a fraction to count by cups.

I had fun because I learned what a fraction was and I had fun cutting and colouring the cups.

Touch Rugby

This week for kiwi sport we did touch rugby and we were practicing our passes and catches.

First we practicsed two man settles to get ready for a game of touch and we were put in to three team.

Secondly coach mark told us to aim for him when we are driveing the ball down the field.

Thirdly we were put in three different teams and team 1 and 2 were playing first and why team 3 were siting out to wait for the next game and i was in team 3.

I enjoyed playing it because I had fun and it got me nice and hot and warmed up.

QAR Reading

L.I To identify the main ideas in a text.

This week for Reading we did a QAR and we read graffiti art or crime.

We had to synthesis information for the CRAAP test and we had to fill in the questions in to the right boxes and I had to fill in the QAR test by answering the questions in to the right boxes.


Thursday, 26 November 2020

Emergency Shelters

 Emergency Shelters

The inquiry task was to write down the materials that are needed for the storm shelter that is going to be built.                                                       

In total there are 9 materials that could protect against storm shelter. There are three main materials that are important to use for protecting the shelter and which are concrete, chicken wires, and rubber bracelets. We chose concrete because it is not easy to break apart. We chose chicken wires because it can keep the shelter stable. We chose rubber bracelets because it can stop electricity.

The other six materials are: cotton balls, aluminum, popsicle sticks, duck tape, hard plastic, and steel.  All 9 materials are important for defending the shelter and could be useful for something in danger.

We figured out the amount was because we drew the shelter and drew our materials. We kept on filling the whole until it was finished. For example: For concrete, the height is 18cm and the width is 20cm. There are four walls and the floor. So there are five and five places to use the concrete. That’s how we figured out the concrete can be used.

Emergency shelters are really important when it comes to floods and different kinds of storms.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Friday, 13 November 2020


L.I To define fractions.

This week for maths I did identify and create halfs thirds and quarters and say and make what a fraction is.

I made what does halves maen and what one half maens.

I had to fold a piece of paper in half and then did the same but in a different way and to fold it in to a triangle and make sure it was fold Netley so we can put it in our math book and blog about it.

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Persuasive speech

 This week for writing we made a speech and had to presrnt it. When we were done but we had time to laern the lines without looking at our chrome book so we can present it by looking at peolpe so we dont Mark up why were presenting.and we had to practice saying it everyday.

Film Festival

We watched a film from Manaiakalani Film Festival and make a interesting comment about the film you liked and enjoyed.

I wrote down why I enjoyed watching the film I just watch and made a comment on. I had to ask a question about something that I had to find interesting about it.

I find that it was very funny because it was interesting at the same time and i hope soon that there going to make more of the room 4 films like that.


This week we translated peolpe names.
We had to learn the Maori alphabet as some letters are not in the Maori alphabet for example instead a J they would use a h, and s, or w for v and k for q.

Monday, 9 November 2020


 Shelters Designs

For Inquiry we designed a shelter. 

The shape we used to make our shelter was a curved shape because it can be protected against volcano eruption, floods, strong winds and others. 

The website that was used to design our shelters was SketchUp. SketchUp is a 3d modeller. You can use 3d shapes to make anything you want like shelter, what we made.

The materials we could use would be four layers of titanium outside of the shelter, and the walls inside it would be concrete, and the floor would be wood. 

First before we went on SketchUp we practised drawing our design on a piece of paper. We had a half circle roof. After that we just went on SketchUp and started our design . Look below for the photo’s.

We could probably change the windows on the side to one. 

We enjoyed designing our own shelters and want to design more different shaped shelters.

Friday, 23 October 2020

touch rugby

L.I To learn basic touch rugby

Today we learned some basic skills for touch rugby. 

First we learned how to tap theball,catch,and,pass the pass the bell. A lot afterwards we played passing drills to get better at committing to the ball and catching. 

Figure it out yourseif.

Monday, 19 October 2020

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Friday, 25 September 2020


L.I To identify and solve multiplication.

This week for maths we did a Multiplication word problem quiz.

We had to be in a group and we had to make a word problem we had to solve 5 + 2 by multiplicattion but ha to make a sentence.

For example Zack has 3 cookies jars. There are 7 cookies in each jar. How many cookies does Zack have in total? 21 and we had to put in a code to make it correct.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

The Gruffalo.

L.I To re write a narrative

This week for writing we had to change a story of The Gruffalo.I decided to change the fox to a kangaroo. Then I change the house from a underground house to a cave. The Gruffalo's favourite food was roasted fox and it is now roasted Kangaroo.

Friday, 11 September 2020


 LI. To assess the like hood.

This week we learnt about low, likely, possible, elevated and extreme risk.

As a group we rated situations from 1 to 5 on risk. An example of a situation we rated 5 (extreme) is, “A year 1 student running around the room with a pair of scissors in each hand.” 

After rating the situation we made our own situations.  An example of a situation we creative 2 is (likely) “running down a hill”.

This helped us learn about  low, likely, possible, elevated and extreme risk.


A setting description is used to describe a place in a movie or book.

When writing a setting description it must include what it looks like, feels like, sounds like and smells like.

Setting description have adjectives because there are describing words.For example a tree feels rough.

We use a setting description to help people imagine the setting.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020


L.I To learn times table.

This week we had to show 7 and 9 times table useing counters and beans.

Multiplication is a faster way to add the same number over and over again.

For  example 7+7+7+7+7+7+7 is the same as 7x7 which is 49.

Friday, 4 September 2020


LI. To demonstrate prior knowledge.

This week I have been learning about hazards and risks. 

Hazards are things that could cause harm. For example chairs and a road. Risks are  harm from hazards . For example the bike is the hazard and falling over is a risk.

As a group we had to find hazard for school, home, sport, and community. We had to pick a hazard that another group didn’t have. 

After finding the hazards we had to make posters about the risks and hazards. We had to find risks for each hazard


L.I To use visualiastion to understand a text.

Visualising is where you have an idea in your head then you draw it.

You can draw what you heard and imagine what it looks like and when you think you know what it looks like then you can draw it.

First I had to listen to the story and imagine what it look like so I can draw it. Once I drew it I made some more detail to it and then I listen a long to it again to make sure it was right and then I open up a Visualise slide.

We then used the Nogard (Dragon) activity to understand how we all visualise differently off the same instructions.


LI: To write a character desription.
A character description is used for describing a character from a story in detail.

A character description describres the character in the book including appearance, personality and 
experiences. Some things included in this would be body,face and hair.

Character description work best when using literal and figurative language.

Litreral is there is no hidden messages and figurative there are hidden message.

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Figurative Language

L.I Figurative Language. 

This week for writing we were learning about figurative language. 

We had to make a simile,metaphor,hyperbole,peronification and understatement about Mr Ogilvie.

Here a example Mr Ogilvie voice was beating my ears that is a peronification.

Me and my group made complement about Mr Ogilvie. 

A simile is describing about how tall or fast people are.

A metaphor is comparing two things without using like or as in a sentence.

A hypwebole is when you exggerate if someone is to lond near you.

A peronification is giving a human traits to obiects or ideas from your friends or yoursife

A unserstatement is a expression with less strength than expected.

Kiwi Sport

Today I practised my water safety skills at the lagoon pools. 

The first skill I practised was arms straight and behind ears to do this skill I had to put my arms behind my ears and dive down.

Then I did fast kicking slow with arms and slow strokes.

Latstly I practised rolling and diving in the lagoon pools.

I got better at diving and I need to improve rolling and breathing.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Story of Rahi and Patupaiarehe

L.I:Summarize,Visualising and inferencing.

This week we were learning to summarize. We also needed to link visualising a inferencing to help us. We filled in a stroy web to summarize each part of the story. I used my my visualising from week one to help seperate the parts of the story. I used my character inference trait to use adjective and evidence to help summarize different parts.

Using good adjectives unlocks meaning information and I can summerise quicker. 

Connecting all three strategies helped me to understand the story characters and keywords.

Friday, 31 July 2020


I comment on Sasuke swimming blog post. I commented a question on his blog what skill he learn.


Multiplication is a faster way to count a lot of things.

Example 5+5+5+5+5+5+5 = 35 Multiplication way is 7x5=35

These two slides can show you what to do for maths 5 x and 2 x time table.

LI:To learn about multiplication is a fast way.

Fact or Opinion

L.I To infer information about characters in a story.

This week for reading we were doing fact or opinion. 

We did two stories. One was about Rahi and the other one was about Patupaiarehe.

If you are thinking what fact or opinion is, then I'll explain.

A fact is something you know and an opinion is something you think.

There were eight boxes. The facts went in the first four boxes and the opinion went in the second four boxes.

Next, we did two slides. The first slide was about Rahi and the second slide was about Patupaiarehe. We had to write down what we know about them or something that we think that we know about tham

The purpose of this task was to compare and contrast fact and opinions within the story.


This week for writing we were doing synonyms.

We were laerning about synonyms and we had to write down what the word maens like put is place/lay like what it would mean and its something that means the same or different with the same sound.And a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.

Thursday, 30 July 2020


This week for kiwisport we did our first session of swimming. My swimming coach was Mr James. 

First we did stream line kicking and we had to put our hands straight behind our head and we had to kick or legs.

 Second we did butter fly kick. 

Third we did frog kick this was my favourite part of the lesson. 

I enjoyed swimming and Im excited for the next lesson.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020


Today I learned how to make tangrams.

I rearranged the pieces to make animal shapes. First I made a square piece of paper because tangrams
are made from a big square. Than I folded the square into various shapes and cut them out. Lastly, I tried to make different animal shapes from the tangram pieces. 

Thursday, 23 July 2020


Multiplication is a fast way to count a number. For example 10x8=80.

Adjectives a nouns

L.I-to improve our vocabulary for descriptive writing.

This week for writing we were laernig about Adjectives and Nouns.
You had to make or think of words for Adjectives and Nouns.Think of words that have a meaning in it and action can be use in Nouns and words with meaning in it a Adjectives.In like Nouns
for example the meaning has to be in a different way than Adjectives like play the is not Nouns that would be Adjectives but Nouns are used to name,animal,person,place,thing or ideas.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

legend of rahi

  This week for reading we were learing about visualising.

Mr Ogilvie told us a story and we had to darw it by parts. Whan we were darwing it was about legend of rahi.
This is like remakeing or darwing a story but Mr Ogilvie said part by part of the story and telling about the story.

Visualising means if someone tells a story you can think in your head abour what it means.This will help when reading a chapter book, as there are no pictures to help. You can imagine everything in your head to help understand.

L.I To retell the text using visualising strategy to sequence events.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020


In our art session we were making masking art. We were doing our frame first. We can colour it and than take the tape off. That's when we have coloured in side the frame it in with pastels and than u can take off the tape one by one and than u can blog about it and get some more feedback than if they say u can published it than u can and than u will be done.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

This week we were doing propertes of light.
we had to do observation i sew... evidence hypothesis and we were doing light of propertes and we were trying different ways to fine out about light on paper and testing it on the white paper and in the dark I think because we have to test the light on a paper and they come in as different ways to make colour.and it made rainbow colours and different ways to make light on paper.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Ancient Egyptian numbers

Ancient Egyptian numbers are pictures. 

To make 4185 use:
  • 5 short ropes
  • 8 long ropes
  • 1 spring 
  • 4 flowers  


Today on Friday we were doing maths. And we were doing place value counting.we were counting in 7 42 111 640 and 2020.we were counting in different languages for maths. we were doing Egyptian numbers abacus and place value blocks. we were trying to do each number in abacus Egyptian numbers and place value blocks or ways to make different ways to make a number. Forest i did 7 and than 42 than and than 111 and than 640 than and 2020 at lass and we had to take a photo of each one and than say what it is and get feedback to publish it and whan the teacher so ur one u can write about it and u can publish it.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

first waka

originally there were no people in new zealand. the first people to settle in new zealand come in a series of waka.
the first tan waka were named.
most of the waka visited the nerth island. some  of the places the waka landed at were.
the ten waka came to new zealand to discsuer new lands for people to live.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Simple Sentences

legal and illegal images

A legal  is an images that can be useed with permission by low.
Images crearturs give lejal permssion to ues their images by oddig a sharing license.
It is important to ues legal images to help creatars and so users don't got in trouble.
when using images make sure to check the license for underand what legal and illegal images are.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

about me 2020

My name is Ayden. I am Australian. I am in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. I enjoy it.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

digital self portrait

this week for google drawings we were trying to  make ourself. By uesing pixel and it was cool it feel like we were in cartoo tv:) but it was for to put on the wall.and u open one google drawings and u sut up the page to /720/960/ u ues pixel and u do all u what. 

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

kiwi can

LI:to hold your tongue.

This week for kiwi can we were playing a Energizer game. And the game name was Spot the Difference and i was number two white my partner was number one. And every time kiwi can said to number one or number two than they turn around and wait to turn back around and you have to Spot the difference things they change around.the next one was master Tag  outside and if someone that's gets out have  to call someone's name Loud that is in the yellow square if you get past the yellow line you're out.and we all went inside after.